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Friday, 5 February 2010

Dublin City Council 30 km/h speed limit. Know your local muppets.

Dublin City Council's decision to impose a 30 km/h speed limit in the capital has proven to be a controversial one – finally provoking some kind of reaction from the city’s public.

One of the three councillors who voted against it, FG's Gerry Breen, is calling for its reversal and even Labour leader Eamonn Gilmore has been forced to enter the fray by questioning its practicality.

When the 30 km/h limit, championed by Labour’s Andrew Montague, was discussed at the Council meeting on October 5th, 34 of the councillors present voted in favour of it.  Only three, Fine Gael’s Gerry Breen, Fine Gael’s Bill Tormey and Independent Nial Ring voted against.

Counicllor Breen has branded those who voted for the go-slow “a shower of muppets”,  adding “I will not be associated with, or take flak for, this stupidity… Over the past year, I have seen the cycling extremists take centre stage in the traffic affairs of the council.   Their unstated aims seem to be the removal of all traffic from the city. Seemingly everything these days can be run under the guise of health and safety.... It is important councillors take into account all the interested parties and stakeholders in coming to decisions and this speed limit in my opinion is neither fair nor balanced. I will seek to have it reversed.”, he was quoted as saying yesterday.

The issue continues in today’s Metro Herald, with Breen welcoming Gilmore’s intervention in slapping down “cycling cavalcade” upstart Montaque. “I welcome the fact there is some practicality coming back into the argument and not just ego-driven and ideological politics that allow no room for realities”.

A first for Dublin City Council, surely?

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  1. I didn't realise Gerry Breen was in such a small minority. Loosing 34 to 3 is a pretty big loss. Are you sure is not just a sore loser?


  2. Being a minority in a group of muppets is no bad thing, Tom/Max/Anons.

  3. Thanks to H for emailing the following letter from today's Irish Independent. And only for the fact that Joan Burton is my local TD, I too would now question my lifelong habit of Labour voting.

    THE Labour Party, in the person of Andrew Montague, with the support of our honorable Lord Mayor, Emer Costello, is demonstrating the type of incentives it would provide if it were lucky enough to gain power.

    For it has introduced the most bizarre speed restrictions ever seen in the city of Dublin.

    In the next few weeks, hundreds, if not thousands, of hard -pressed citizens will have the unenviable task of opening letters containing substantial fines.

    These will be accompanied by dreaded penalty points, which will adorn their licenses for the next three years.

    Why? For driving at 35kmh (21mph) along the north and south quays.

    Could this be classed as a tax on going forward?

    John O'Connor
    Raheny, Dublin 5

  4. The problem is that councillors play along with the pretence that Dublin is as well run as other EU cities- no it isnt.So another city with smooth running traffic could get it's car traffic down to 30 kms easily, as it would most likely have underground & overground urban rail, many trams, many safe pedestrian subways, overhead pedestrian bridges, cycle lanes, etc.That city is not Dublin. Councillors vote on ridiculous motions possibly to justify their wages,maybe expenses for turning up for the day for all I know, ALSO power blocs come into it, I think small parties who propose ridiculous things, can have big parties playing along with them, thinking they can then call on their support if they are short of 1 vote, ALSO apathy is big in irish is the sheep like tendency not to think thru the consequences of raising your has been stated it could be the bike loving lobby who are in favour of 30 mph an hr etc...and altho I have nothing against cyclists, this attitude can also be typical...just councillors apathetically sitting back and letting a few take decisions with serious consequences for all.. cyclists can be a menance here....typical of the irish tendency for people just to fight their own corner& not see the big picture...if the roads are not safe for them they will ride on the pavements, and no wonder, a young German cyclsit was decapitated on O'Connell bridge 6 yrs ago...but we are ALL in this together...we should all write & demand decent underground rail , safe pedestrian sub ways, more streets to go one way to leave space for bus and car lanes and cycle and trams . in other words , A DECENT CITY TRAVEL PLAN...but mean time the Huge problem facing this city is violent crime- all of which stems from lack of public money in working class ares. Don't believe me? Read the shocking IT article today on deaths of 2 young males in Coolock, 1 was in Mountjoy at 14, he was only a trivial offender, but being there was where he was introduced to Hard Drugs. In A State prison. Spent 12 of the next 13 yrs in prison, shot dead in the end as he owed money to a no stage was there much help offered to get him off drugs get an education etc, before the end he told his family he had been sexaully abused by a NON family adult...that contributed to his problems,needless to say he never got residential psychologcial treatment as a young teeanger, in fact the state made DAMN SURE he'd die from drugs by incarcerating a Child in Mountjoy..if I was his heart broken family I'd sue the state...
    well, the shocking murder crime violence fear AND despair in former respectable working class areas mustnt be'a problem at all....if all the council cares about is needless speed limits. Anna

  5. That is really shocking, Anna. A kid introduced to hard drugs when in the "care" of the State. What kind of place is it?

  6. That speed limit is sickening! No doubt it will be reversed. What about all the unfortunate drivers who go penalty points?????

  7. The motion signed by 12 councillors was lodged with City management on Monday 8th Feb by Mary Early, PA for Bill Tormey. Labour are in knots trying to paper over their multifaceted splits. A roll call vote will be demanded by Bill Tormey. There is a Coalition for Common Sense Emerging. Mary Freehill, Dermot pragmatist Lacey may join as may old Labour Paddy Bourke. Does silence mean that Fianna Fail will back the slow brigade.

  8. Good luck with it Bill. It's nice to see that there's at least a minority of councillors with common sense on DCC! ;-)


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