Irish three-day weather forecast

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Anglo investigation stumped by password enigma - an insight into Ireland

Few people who support the blog will have been surprised at yesterday’s revelations that detectives, looking into the governance affairs of basket-case bank Anglo Irish, had come up against “difficulties” in their investigation.

It seems that bank employees and former top-brass of Anglo had not provided police officers with the passwords of important documents that might be valuable in any possible future criminal prosecutions.

Brian Cowen said on the news that he was “powerless” to do anything about the situation –  nothing to do with the Government, you see.  This, of course, despite the fact that Anglo has been nationalised and the country is footing the bill for its losses.  Cowen also refused to comment on allegations that he had been fully appraised of the dodgy bank’s situation in a meeting with executives back in 2008, before its financial position became common knowledge. 

In another typically Irish twist, gardai (police) appear devoid of powers to compel Anglo to hand over the passwords necessary for their enquiries.  Would obstructing them in the course of their duty not do? Or withholding information for an investigation?   No, it seems not.  Instead they are getting encryption experts to crack the codes, which will delay the process even further.

Can Lenihan and Cowen really wonder why international opinion is unconvinced about the Irish authorities' (governmental, financial and civil) ability to solve the country's problems?  The continuing reluctance to confront the rottenness and secrecy that led us into the mess we are in?  What must the rest of the world think, looking at this circus?

The Irish Government's clowns just don't get it. 

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  1. have they tried waterboarding the wunderkind at anglo

  2. Good point. They could ask the occupants of those passing planes at Shannon for tips. The ones they allow in to keep the US sweet...

  3. One ought not to heed the rumours about the complicity of the government and their exclusive group of thieving rascals in the banking debacle.

    There is a temptation however to speculate on the possibility that corruption in Ireland is rife. Niccolo Machiavelli was right about “power corrupts”

    Mr Cowan and his coterie of business friends may have good reason for their obfuscation, and there probably is a deliberate stratagem to frustrate Garda inquiries so as to prevent the truth from being discovered.

    Even if "they" were discovered to have been mixed up in racketeering, dubious stock exchange trading, granting government tenders to their friends for bribes, etc. etc. and being involved in all sorts of adulterated wickedness and generalised badness. They will still walk away with executive immunity and complete impunity.


    MINISTER FOR Social Protection Éamon Ó Cuív has signalled that pensioners may not be exempt from cuts ahead of a further Cabinet meeting on the budget today. It is an outrage that “The Government“, their families and their friends have “feathered their nests” over the years and shifted their equity to foreign banks:(Lichtenstein and the Cayman Islands).

    Now they are going to screw the elderly. What next? Will they make lamp shades out of the skins of dead people? Will they boil up corpses to make starch? Will children of school age (14) be made to work like slaves for 10/- a week, under the pretence of apprenticeship.

    I love Irish people, but I have deep antipathy towards Irish politicians. (Cunning Bastards)!!

    Irish people always have had a great dignity and resilience and they will not put up with this indignation for much longer.

    David Brendan McGinnity

  5. THERE IS A WAY !!

    In the past 20 years, TD’s, Senators and government officials have done very well for themselves accumulating large amounts of equity in terms of 2nd and 3rd homes. Many have made a lot of money for themselves, their families, relatives and friends through using (misusing) privileged information by a “nod and a wink” to buy stocks and shares and to give advantages to their privileged friends through using inside information in bidding for government contracts and tenders. For a consideration (a bribe) of course. Oh!, can this be proven; is there any evidence? Seemingly there is, the evidence is being presently complied.

    If each constituent wrote to their TD and Senator with a request that they divest themselves of their superfluous, ill-gotten equity e.g. Off-shore Bank accounts, Mediterranean and Caribbean Luxury Villas’ and their shares in the unethical armaments and pharmaceutical business’s. Then the money could be used to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy. (Even to mend the pot-holes in the roads would be a start).

    If each TD and Senator sold his/her second and third house, and closed their off-shore accounts and donated the money to their needy constituents, that would be the beginning of Ireland’s rehabilitation.

    Is this proposition a fact, a fantasy or pure unmitigated fiction?

    David Brendan McGinnity

  6. Don't understand why or how passwords could be withheld, willingly (or not), from an investigative authority. That beggars belief, even for this place! The rot is deep. Proven time and again.
    GM yes and they wonder why?

  7. a student who is sitting on the street gets his face beaten with a baton

    corrupt businessmen expect the country to pay for their ego - they are the ones who should be beaten out of an office - it all makes me sick

  8. Try Fintan O Tooles new book' Enough is enough' its basically a call to revolution, inside he lists 30 points for a new republic; book has a very tasteful cover, a young girl waving a flag, amid ruins of Dublin, with bodieso f Brian C and Seanie F lying at her feet...
    I saw him speak at a well attended meeting at Liberty hall theatre 1 week ago, Fintan got his biggest cheer when we said ' People are not Yet Angry Enough'...arise citoyens and rattle the gates of the DAil...EVERYTHING's just in Irealnd real change has taken 90 yrs longer then expected...but it's happening

  9. agree Laim - when FF get kicked out at the next election, whoever takes their chalice will be poisoned, by inheriting an impossible situation.

    I too would be sceptical about the ability of an FG/Labour coalition to face up some of the internal problems we have too - I think only outside intervention can do that (ala IMF)as there is no political will here.

    However - and I'm sure Anon, Anna, Dakota, David and Toast etc will agree - I would like to see the crony organisation that is Fianna Fail eliminated completely from Irish life.

    I would like to see them destroyed, as they epitomise for me everything that is wrong about Ireland. And they can't be allowed to destroy the country they profess (so loudly) to love and get away with it without consequence, surely?

    I make no bones about my dislike for FF, as evidenced by the blog's masthead that features three of their luminaries over the State's existence.

    I'd have a few more up there only there isn't room.

    But yeah. What will probably happen is they will take a spanking at the next election, a coalition will take all the stick, and a slightly re-jigged FF will be voted back in the election after that by a forgetful, docile, and gullible Irish public.

    Nothing changes...

  10. “Let the people eat Shamrock”.
    Brian Leniehan was interviewed by Jeremy Paxman for BBC ‘Newsnight’. He was absolutely charming to Acacadmy Award proportions. He presented the problem in Ireland as ‘just a hitch’ and things would be fine in no time at all.

    I spoke to a friend who worked for AIB, and he told a different story. He had spent 35 years in the Banking Industry and was a part time financial advisor to the government in 1990. He told me that the government do not listen to advisors and they unilaterally decide what they are going to do. It all looks very good on paper, but it is pure subterfuge. They are accomplished professional liars without any conscience, regardless of their political party.

    He told me that the problem in Ireland is even greater than anyone can imagine, and the worst is yet to come. He anticipates that older people with savings will be denied an old age pension. He predicts that people will have to pay Council Rates for services with lots of additional ‘add-on’ charges on a “take it or leave it” basis at the behest of the local town or city council.

    Charles Haughey reputedly said after several generous helpings of "Jameson" “Let the people eat Shamrock”. It might even come to that.

  11. Mr Smullen is correct IMO, GM, if there is even greater hardship in store for the Irish, following this budget, then it will damage what's left of the economy. Will export led growth and inflation be enough to erode the deficit? Yep, rearranging deckchairs and a big iceberg come to mind.
    All economies get out of the slump sooner or later. It’s how they do it, which dictates the length of the downturn and the living conditions for “people," thereafter. Paying additional taxes is not the answer. But you never know, GM Ireland may buck the trend. LOL. Ohhhhh remember the SOFT LANDING?? Again Ireland was going to be the envy of the world, by having the first one ever???.LOL
    NEWS ALERT.....The little people will be paying for this disaster for many years to come. Thats the way it is END OF NEWS ALERT.....
    I genuinely think GM, there is a section of this society/economy who are chomping at the bit to pay more taxes. WHY?? BECAUSE IT’SSSSS IRELAND.Correct me if I’m wrong but did any economy ever tax their way out of a serious recession? (no need, rhetorical question) Are mistakes addictive here?
    All that saved cash (that’s good) just burrrrning a hole in their pockets (that’s bad). Its embarrassing, now. A few thousand psychiatrists may need to be shipped in??? Even in the UK “ordinary peps," are seriously unhappy with (and not resigned to), the prospect of paying more taxes.

  12. Hi GM this is the second part to the above, the blog couldn't except it all together....

    Its funny GM, when you think about it, the theme is a recurring one..... 1916 was a waste of blood and money and what came after, well at the very least, it was misguided (very Irish that). The celtic tiger was a fiasco (which was the litmus test for this nation. It failed - obviously)..... So that leaves us back in the present - the immediate present that is. Now GM, to understand where Ireland is now, we have to appreciate the wisdom of the Irish voting electorate, in that other, watershed moment in its history, namely the election of 2006. What other nation do you know would vote a FF type party in again at such a time? Surely people could see what was unfolding?? I hear there’s a crack team of shrinks onto this one, trying to figure it out, in some bunker somewhere...Don’t hold your breath for an answer though. ;)
    You see GM this is where we must delve deeper. The unraveling housing market from 2005 to today, was just a symptom of a system which was created by power brokers from the early nineties onwards. (Ahem, a hint here, is “the rainbow coalition,” or even the Labour FF coalition. Yes, for all those who were not around in the early 1990's there were such things. This present rot was due to the lot of them). It’s the system which needs changing (it won’t happen, though, at best there’ll be a slight change of political attitude. But it’s only the emperor with different clothes).
    As you said GM, FF will be voted back in, eventually, it’s inevitable. The only alternative is to disband them (if it was possible to do so). Alas this action would fail, GM, as they’d find other routes to power. Hence the exercise would be pointless. From this I could deduce there is no GENUINE appetite for political change, for two underlying reasons (1) there is no alternative and (2) the whole state is over flowing with corruption.

    A very simple and straightwforward example is one of the most basic building blocks of any society/economy, the public transport system. I could have named any of the systems here but this one is especially bad. Just look around you, traffic has not discernibly decreased to any great extent. Isnt it just grand? You’ll have less money in your wallet/purse and you’ll be stuck in a traffic jam for the privilage. Of course thats when you’re not paying tolls... Where else do you know (capital city that is) which has a light rail system which does not connect the two portions of the city - six years after its commencement? I know people living in other countries who can't believe what I tell them, a few of them have experienced it themselves though. (Talking to a good associate of mine again yesterday, who says the bus system in Dublin is now the butt of all of his jokes. Another person who won’t be coming back because of them).
    I really dispair for this "nation," GM.

  13. Dear Dakota
    What you have written is so poignant and relevant and it promotes a great deal of thought. I agree so much with your premise, except for: I really despair for this "nation,"

    At the risk of be considered mad I would like to declare Dublin to be a place of magic. As soon as I arrive at Dublin airport I experience great exileration. I usually travel on the 16a bus to Trinity College, where I dump my stuff.

    Then I make my way to The Fleet Pub in Fleet Street or to Mulligan’s in Poole Beg Street where I converse with “Old Dubliners” who have lived all their lives in the city and exchange stories about Patrick Kavanagh, Brian O’Neal (Flann O’Brien) and many other colourful characters, then I understand why I love Ireland

    Then I visit the National Library of Ireland where I experience the sort solemnity and spiritually that I cannot explain and could not experience in a cathedral. The words of the song "Some Enchanted Evening" apply here, with the words "fools my explain it, wise men never try".

    However, after two weeks of nostalgia and reverie, I feel motivated to leave again, because if I remained my dream of Ireland might be ruined.

    If people would only dump their traditional voting habits of party loyalty for political and family traditions, then things will start to move. Take power back, expose the crooks.

    The people of England have had a rude awakening with political sleaze and fraudulent expenses. The Daily Telegraph has had the guts to expose these rascals, and it has done a lot of good. Now what newspaper in Ireland has the guts to expose criminal Irish politicians?

    David Brendan McGinnity

  14. “Irish Politicians are the best that money can buy”.

    I made a mistake when I referred to Flann O' Brien as, O'Neal. His name was Brian O' Nolan, who was a wonderful writer, columnist and wit.

    I was talking to a lady who works for an Irish Newspaper about my deliberations, and we were debating why the Irish people put up with mega-corruption within the Irish Government and Irish establishment, including newspapers.

    She wisely proffered a cogent account for the Irish governments’ long lasting secrecy and corruption. She purported that the law firms that enable TD’s, Senators and prominent families to evade and avoid paying income tax and place the money in tax havens are very likely owned by the TD or his family. As in Italy, it is probable that 'they' also own the newspapers and the media machine.

    Also she confidently supposed that the chief of the Garda fraud and anti corruption squad who is meant to investigate fiscal crime is probably closely related to a minister of state in the Dail.

    The UK tax system (HMRC) announced today that they are investigating tax evasion crimes and off-shore tax havens by the rich, that probably amounts to billions of pounds.

    Will the Irish Tax and Customs Office be so diligent in their investigations, bearing in mind that the minister and senior officers in that department are probably in close cahoots with the tax evader.

    The problem for the TD’s is modern technology, because all the fraudulent transactions can be traced and many Irish politicians are quaking in their boots, because there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. The only advantage that they may have is that they are married to the Judge who will try the case. "God Save Ireland".

    It is grievously wrong to be a conspiracy theorist or an armchair philosopher who analyses, predicts and prognosticates on matters of which he/she knows nothing. That sort of activity is strictly forbidden by the VIII commandment re. calumny and detraction.

    But it is not wrong to speculate, hypothesize, or just wonder what the hell went on, and is going on regarding government corruption, (embezzlement, fraud tax evasion and avoidance, and bogus charities [often through the Catholic church] as a means of accepting bribes).

    The great American civil rights lawyer Clarence Darrow said: “The people will always find out, and God help you when they do”!!. Even ‘the dogs in the street’ know what these corrupt lying bastards have been doing for almost a century, so why don’t the Irish people know?

    Finally: My father said “Irish Politicians are the best that money can buy”.

    David Brendan McGinnity

  15. Mr McGinnity, thank you for your comments. I have to say though, I admire your stamina. Two weeks would be way too much for me, nearer to two days outside Dublin, or two minutes within the confines of Dublin. This would be reduced to two seconds if I even saw a bus.
    As for you point with regards to the Irish people and power. In a sense the Irish people were unfortunate following the psychological break of 1916. The hegemony which took power from the British was in a sense a continuation of this power. While the British subsequently moved away from the shackles of that era, it was preserved in Ireland, to give us what we have today. It's something which was never addressed by the "people," it was just left to fester. We are now living through the aftermath. If it's not too flippant to say, essentially the post boxes changed colour, that's all.
    Have lessons been learned. No, they have not. Why? Because rogues are valued in Ireland. Hence any dialogue which could have taken place was always dismissed straight away by the majority. Has the political and cultural powerbase been eroded by the last 20 years of madness? No, it has not. If anything, it has been strengthened by the "peoples" increased subservience to greed, inflated egotisim and a belief that collective greed will increase personal wealth. This scenario is like, not knowing what you're looking for in the dark.

    To get back on topic GM, I suppose you have seen these 2 articles. The first made me laugh.

    I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, what will come out of this investigation?

  16. I'd be a big fan of Flann O'Brien myself David. Never into the Myles stuff so much, such as Keats and Chapman, Cruiskeen Lawn and all the rest; but the novels were great - even though there was a lot of cross-fertilization between them (the molecular theory in the Dalkey Archive and Third Policeman, which was published posthumously). He even took the piss out of the Gaelgoeir lot in Beal Bocht, even though he was a Gaelic speaker.

    But we've a great literary traditon here (particularly in the vernacular) - Swift, Joyce, Wilde, Becket, Sterne, Behan, O'Casey, Shaw and so on. Maybe it's because the place produces so many tortured souls?

    Yes Dakota, I saw those alright. On your point re traffic, it's something I've noticed too. When did my stint living in London those years back, you could see the drop-off in traffic when the recession hit. Here the roads are as busy as ever, as far as I can see. Are they all on the brew/fiddle? You have to wonder.

  17. On CCN last week they made the point that not one person who caused all these problem in the financial world has been charged with any crime not one person.
    In Ireland lets see if the sheep will votes these crooks back into office.

  18. GM diverting from the main topic again, I know. But the traffic situation in Dublin is weird. The volume alone is counterintuitive. Where are all the cars going during working hours? Was there any specific studies done? I can't seem to find any. Again this is an other reality which is clear to all using the roads. A reality which is not reflected to any great extent in the media. The few articles I have seen all point in different directions.(Ahem)

    This article in the "Independent" concludes by quoting the NRAs prediction of traffic volumes increasing by 4 to 5% until 2011. Recession? What recession?

    Road deaths here are identified as an indicator of the fall in traffic volume world wide, including Ireland (rough % figure which does not provide itemized demographic information).

    These two articles on the surface conflict GM. It could be that, increased traffic volume is a phenomenon attributable to Dublin or the large population centres, only? Despite that, even anecdotal evidence would point to an increase in traffic volume, in Dublin anyway. Interesting as the country is supposed to be stony-broke.

    Just to clarify Dakots IS Dakota. The election was 06 not 07 - makes it all the more scary......

  19. Investigative Journalism
    Anyone who expects a “Watergate” type of expose into Irish Government corruption from the Irish papers is in for a sad disappointment. There are few “Woodward and Bernstein’s” left in in the world of journalism, and certainly not in Ireland.

    It has been suspected for a long time that several of the key people in the media, news and press enjoy Irish government patronage.

    Occasionally, the press are required to make a bit fuss about some matter, but it turns out to be like a fart (makes a loud noise and causes a big stink) but soon evaporates.

    In the 1930’s the Chicago police used to raid the “speak-easy”, after giving the club owner one weeks notice of their intentions.

    The same applies to government corruption. The press are likely to give notice to the TD or minister that something is about to give. This notice allows the minister time to cover his tracks and prepare a tissue of lies in response to placate the members of the public.

    The press and TV/Radio news managers are just as culpable as the government ministers that they obsequiously serve.

    Dakota has it beautifully summed up "Ireland" in his cogent presentation of the present fiasco.

    After receiving an e-mail from the daughter of a TD, I fell obliged to make an apology for giving the impression that all TD’s are dishonest and “on the take”.

    This lady explained that her father works tirelessly in the interests of his constituents. She further informed me that most TD’s are deeply committed to their job and the remuneration received ,in relative terms is not all that great.

    However she acknowledged that there was just cause for suspicion towards the “dynastic” TD’s , their families and business associates.
    These families have been in power since the beginning of the Irish Free State and certainly since Ireland became a republic in 1937.

    In their case the term ‘family’ should not be taken to mean, just blood relatives, but an extra=curricular connotation might be appropriate.

    I wish to openly declare that I truthfully believe that most Irish TD’s are honest committed politicians. But, I do genuinely believe that there is just reason to scrutinize and investigate how a few TD’s acquired their initial wealth and went on to become multi-millionaires, reputedly some are billionaires.

    Therefore, who helped them to achieve such power? Where did their money actually come from, and where is it now?

    Where Indeed???

  21. Get the Drift.

    Can anybody in their right mind imagine that a Fianna Fail politician would evade paying Income Tax, or would accept a bribe for awarding a government contract?

    Would a Fianna Fail politician pervert the course of justice by lying to a Court of Inquiry in order to evade prosecution for theft?

    Would a Fianna Fail politician employ the Garda and secret service to listen in to the conversations of opposition politicians?

    Would a Fianna Fail politician sell his/her own mother for a few €,or for a bit of salacious sex?

    Too fucking right they would, We can imagine that they would do anything to keep power and money for themselves. That means: Anything , even screw their own mother !!

    There are two biographies in the pipeline; still a bit, hush, hush, I am told, that will shake the very shit out Fianna Fail. The words that come to mind are: rats, sinking, ship. Get the drift.

  22. Theatre, Drama, and Leprechauns

    The minister for Justice Dermot Ahern said there was no foundation to media reports that Ireland is close to availing of a financial bailout. “It is fiction because what we want to do is get on with the business of bringing forward the four-year plan,” he told RTÉ’s The Week in Politics last night.

    His office has strongly repudiated and vehemently denied that any talks have ever taken place between the Minister of Finance the British Chancellor of the Exchequer regarding re-joining the Sterling currency. Never! Never!

    This is like saying that the former Ceann Comhairle, John O'Donoghue is an affable, even tempered, well grounded, highly articulate, erudite scholar and skilled political orator, of known financial probity and sterling (don't use that word) character who would never behave like the hyena who ate a box of OXO cubes and went on to make a laughing stock of himself.

    No wonder Ireland is world famous for Theatre, Drama, and Leprechauns.

  23. The Mahon Report (Tribunal)

    Why can’t the Mahon Report be like the Hutton Report in the UK where the findings and conclusions were written first and then the “facts’ are concocted as to how those findings were reached. The British have done this for years and Ireland could learn much.

    The Mahon Report could read:
    We conclude that there is no evidence of any corruption, embezzlement, backhanders, kickbacks, extortion, blackmail, or murder in relation to the conduct of Government Ministers or Political parties.

    We could find no evidence of: exorbitant expenses claims, tax evasion, money laundering, tax havens, offshore bank accounts, luxury yachts and penthouse apartments or villa’s in the Mediterranean or Caribbean.

    There was no evidence discovered regarding TD’s disproportionate lifestyles inconsistent with their remuneration or any other form of political chicanery by anyone associated with the Government of Ireland.

    We thank all the witnesses who voluntarily gave their time without remuneration, payment or time in lieu. We applaud their truthfulness, honestly and forthrightness in the compilation of this evidence

    D B Corrigan

  24. Mother Ireland, or more correctly “Godmother” Ireland.

    In 1972 at the height of Watergate, the book and film “The Godfather’ came out. At the time there was great shock and consternation at he thought that such things could happen. On the BBC there was a one hour programme chaired by Ludovic Kennedy, about the possibility of organised crime controlling the Judges and politicians. The programme showed the hotel speech scene from The Godfather, where Richard Conte (Barzini) says to Marlon Brando (Don Corleone). “ Don Corleone has all the politicians and judges in his pocket. etc”. It was frightening to viewers that something like this could happen.

    A similar sort of vignette was also included in the RTE’s “The Late Late Show”, but not too much time was spent on the topic because it was stated indubitably that nothing like that could happen in Ireland. How wrong !!

    Did the show’s producers of the show know something about the role of the Vatican Bank in laundering politicians money through the bogus charity “The Society of St. Sebastian” as depicted in Godfather III as a front for political fraud.

    In 1972 Ireland like now, not only did the gangsters control the politicians; the gangsters were the politicians, who had the other politicians and the Judges in their pocket. The Government is not only associated with organised crime; they are organised crime. Because to steal billions of € (the peoples money is organised crime). They used the Catholic Church banking system to hide their funds in the safe knowledge that no police force can investigate the Vatican Bank.

    Two years ago, an LSE economics graduate estimated that since 1970, Irish politicians (predominantly Fianna Fail) have shifted €17,000,000,000 of the peoples’ money to their secret bank accounts for their own use. That is one hell of a lot of money. For pragmatic reasons it is not possible to know just how much money they have taken. But, if a decent honest judge, and an honest policeman/woman, and honest journalist examined and researched what these people (probably less than 20) have been doing with the peoples’ money in the past 40 years, then I anticipate that there will be red faces.

    David Brendan McGinnity

  25. the HYENA THAT ATE THE OXO CUBES, lol, bertie in his canary yellow suit and J.O,D are irls foremost buffoons bh


    I’ll be marching for a new republic and I hope you’ll be in step with me says Fergus Finlay in today’s Irish examiner: Read more:

    "In your roles as general secretary and president of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions you’ve called for a major march and protest on Saturday, November 27 – that’s the weekend after next. According to the SIPTU website, the plan is that the march will assemble at noon on the day, at the Civic Offices on Wood Quay in Dublin and march to the GPO on O’Connell Street".

    Like Mr Finlay, I will be there to support the Irish people, with whom I am proud to count myself. I have written ungenerous but deserved comments about Irish political leaders but not the Irish people who have suffered enough.

    Please let the idiotic legacy of DeValera and the pernicious right wing fascist doctrine of Archbishop John Charles McQuaid which still pervades and infects Irish life like a pathogenic virus be expunged from the soul of Ireland forever.

    Let the money smuggled out of Ireland by McQuaid and other clerics (who were exempt from customs and excise inspection) between 1938 and 1980 to the Vatican Bank to be disseminated to politicians off-shore accounts be returned to Ireland today.

    The Pope, after all is the Vicar of Christ, which is in tridentine terms is : God.
    So please Holy Father send the "fucking' money back now.

    Seemingly, there is enough gold bars in the Vatican vaults to pave the streets from the bottom of Harcourt Street, up O’Connell Street to Parnell Square. All we want is one or two container loads of gold bars that rightly belongs to the Irish people.

    The Irish will provide “fire and brimstone” to rain down of Kildare Street and it’s environs so as to purify and sanctify parliament and exorcise the evil influence of corrupt politicians forever. AMEN.

    D B Corrigan

  27. Lise Hand: Great Gatsos! Why didn't we tell the banks to slow down?

    Lise Hand in The Independent sums up the fiasco in style. She ask what this epoch should be called. She Says “We've always had a fondness for euphemisms -- the global conflagration of World War II was experienced in Ireland as 'The Emergency', while the bloody sectarian conflict in the North was delicately referred to as 'The Troubles. So what description can be attached to this latest outbreak of hand-to-hand combat between the Irish Government and the rest of the European Union while our hard-won and precious sovereignty hangs in the balance? What about 'The Bummer'? Or perhaps something with a suitably Continental flavour, such as 'The Contretemps'?
    Why not just call it:
    “THE GREAT FUCK UP”. or “The Mahon Tribunal Comedy of Errors”. (they had the power to reach the truth)

    Lise Hand says “Certainly, Justice Minister Dermot Ahern was wearing his 'Keep Calm and Carry On' hat yesterday when he and his cabinet colleague Noel Dempsey turned up in the upper yard of Dublin Castle to launch the new Garda speed camera vans”

    If I had a pile of money safely tucked away in Lichtenstein, Switzerland or The Bahamas, then I would be cool and calm and laughing all the way FROM the banking crisis. The Age of Irish profligacy and decadence is over.

  28. The Perpetual Sucker
    The Ireland that I left 50 years ago would have dealt with this crisis with Masses, Novenas, Vigils, Benediction, Rosaries, Prosessions of the Blessed Sacrament and the fervent prayers to “Our Lady of Perpetual Succour”.

    This action would seem to be most appropriate considering that the Irish people have been the “Perpetual Sucker” of various governments since the very beginning of Irish independence. Independence from what and for what?

    The Irish have gained independence from England so that they could:
    1 Speak Irish (a defunct language) that less than 15% can speak and 95% do not wish to speak.
    2 Profess their Catholic Faith Openly. More Catholics attend daily and Sunday mass in the UK than in Ireland. (that includes the Polish Catholics).
    3 Fuck all else except to endure insults, poverty, struggle and strife.

    It is very likely that in the next 24 hours Ireland will be part of the UK (all but in name). The Irish Government will be a puppet with the window dressing of a Independent Republic.

    Ireland should be reunited with the UK, because it has never been any good as a country on it's own. The EC gave Ireland the paper thin illusion of affulence and success, when in reality it was just a delusion and a fraud.

    The UK is and always has been Ireland's best and only friend.

  30. The Irish Times 17:11: 2010

    TWO RURAL communities were last night trying to come to terms with the violent deaths of seven people, four of them young children, in unrelated incidents in Cork and Limerick.

    There is no time for levity, flippancy or wit. After reading this, the Banking Passwords, The Recession and Government’s financial crisis falls into insignificance. What a shame!!


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