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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Labour Court reinstates Davenport Hotel workers. Reverse minimum wage cut now!

It has been said before on this blog.  No-one who gets up out of bed in the morning to work should be poor.  There has to be some incentive for people to do so - otherwise they might as well follow the example set by our indigenous dynasties of professional "unemployed". 

It is a subject on which I harbour very strong feelings.  My own parents worked hard all their lives, my mum a cleaner who got up at 6am every morning, and my old man on the radios of a taxi firm.  I'm sure the shifts he worked could not have been legal, and his remuneration was paltry.  We were piss poor, we really were.

Sure, our opinions are largely determined by our own experiences.  If your opinions fall within establishment parameters, they are called opinions.  If they don't, you are said to have a chip on your shoulder.   Well I have two supersized chips on both of mine, as far as the issue of the minimum wage is concerned, and the right of those who work not to live in poverty.

That is why, if the incoming coalition Government does nothing else, I will at least respect it for reversing Fianna Fail's one Euro minimum wage cut - something it has pledged to do within 100 days of coming into power. 

But why wait 100 days?  Fianna Fail cut the rate from €8.65 to €7.65 at a stroke.  Let this new Government send out a clear signal that it respects the dignity of lower paid workers in this country, and will protect them from exploitative, unscrupulous employers. 

Speaking of which, the Labour Court yesterday ruled that the Davenport Hotel (part of the O'Callaghan Hotel Group) must restore the pay rates of its housekeeping staff back to the old minimum wage rate.  The hotel's management had demanded staff agree to a one-Euro pay cut after Fianna Fail's disgraceful legislation came into being.  Some refused, and went on strike. 

The Labour Court noted that the hotel group had not pleaded inability to pay, and concluded that the employer's actions were not reasonable.  All staff must be reinstated and their wages must be back paid in full. 

So, Fine Gael/Labour, don't let any other employers try the same trick.  Reverse Fianna Fail's  - and John Gormley's, Jackie Healy-Rae's, Mary Harney's and Michael Lowry's -  minimum wage cut straight away. 

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  1. Fair play to the staff who went on strike. The labour court found legally and correctly in their favour. Let it be a lesson to other unscrupulous employers. There should be no delay with the incoming government reinstating the mininmum wage at eur 8.65. It's really quite disgusting that people on the mininum wage have been brought into the tax bracket. I agree GM people who go out to work should not be piss poor.

  2. I think you got it in one there, it's all about incentive to work, if the minimum wage is reduced then the incentive is gone. It was and it is.
    It was a disgrace in the face of the biggest financial disaster this nation ever indured. Who takes all the pain at this juncture? The vulnerable, especially those on low and middle wages.
    Seriously interesting to note that as Irish low wage earners suffer, and while their bankers laugh all the way, well, to the bank, Icelands banking crisis is OVER (1.2 percent economic growth, 3rd Q 2010) and they are out of recession.
    Unfortunately Ireland used the broad brush stroke (for which it is famous) with regards to it's economic woes and guaranteed a banking system which was rotten to it's core from the start. In effect they added fuel to the fire. Who paid for the fuel? Yep who else but the low and middle wage earners. Who stood up to shout "stop, let's think about this for a minute." Well no one actually. Not a wimper from the public or media. It was voted through with all party support.
    Bottom line, if this new Government, doesn't hit the ground running (FAST) then it will not be years but generations before it's over here. It'll become obvious the way this is going to go, in the first month of them taking office. I have my doubts.

  3. Yes Ella, Dakota. It will be interesting to see how quickly FG/Lab reverse the cut.

  4. Laim smullen

    There don’t seem to be much of a response to this post, compared to other
    your postings which is worrying. If it is not reversed quickly with rising oil prices plus food prices it will be it cost a lot of family the very basic food items
    Why is food prices not a political issue in this country?

    nor is public sector “padded” or “bloated”
    other struggles in the public sector going on.


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