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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Jobless Paddy "save me from emigration" billboard

You know things are bad when people have to take out billboard ads, at €2,000 for a two-week slot, in the hope of finding a job.  Today's papers report on the plight of one Feilim Mac An Iomaire (I think I got that right - "joblesspaddy" is probably a bit catchier alright) from Connemara, who has done just that.

The marketing graduate hit on the idea after reading that experienced recruitment agents reviewed CVs in only eight seconds.

Not much time to make an impression, eh?

By contrast, the above-the-line jobseeker is giving his advert until the 1st of July to make a positive impression on a potential employer.


  1. Saying what area he is looking for a job in, on the billboard would probably help!

  2. Yes, was thinking that myself Iain...

  3. Maybe he's got a future with RyanAir, they are into high profile, catchy advertising?

  4. maybe this smart ass paddy should try hollywood or bollywood or poland he might like it, in poland they have no irish need apply i wonder why ,in the recent past the said signs were very much in evidence in the us and uk but that didnt stop paddy arriving in droves and now they return triumphant with glorious tans and mid atlantic accents why only last week barry OH bama came home after 150yrs, what a grand little nation tooo bad about the mountain of debt and all the shit and corruption cheerio ooh ooh-bh

  5. Just a couple of points. Firstly, I just cannot stand the gratuitous use of the term "paddy" by this character. He's not to far away from inserting the word "feck" and hamming his accent up to make himself appear more "Oirish" and "loveable"; or so he hopes.

    Secondly, I suspect that he is some middle class boy playing at being poor and that this whole PR campaign has a lot more planning behind it than it may seem. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been forward planning to milk the PR circuit for all its worth after gaining publicity like this.

  6. "in poland they have no irish need apply"

    I thought that bullshit was debunked ages ago ?


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