Irish three-day weather forecast

Sunday, 12 June 2011

The signs are bad in Ireland

Spotted on the stretch of road between the Ongar Road roundabout and the Clonsilla Road /Diswellstown Road roundabout.    The speed limit sign on the left says "60" and the one on the right says "50".

Nice to see the local authorities, who absorb so much of our hard-earned, are doing their jobs so well.

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  1. Hi GM, you can be damn sure that the local constabulary and the go safe operators in the area know the speed limit even if it's a mystery to everybody else, you'll have to play it safe and assume it's the lower limit of 50kmph. Otherwise.... a nice hefty fine and 2 penalty points. Fingal Co. Council should sort that one out, as you say they get enough of tax payers money to do so.

  2. Ah, but before you complain ... I'll wager a small bet that the signs in the opposite direction ("the back") are exactly the same, i.e. 60 on left, 50 on right. I'll further submit that local yoofs might simply have "turned" the sign on the left (in the picture) as a joke. Happens all the time ...

  3. @ Ella. True. I only got round to taking a pic yesterday, but these signs have been like that for at least six weeks... maybe longer.

    @ True Bernd - had factored that in. Mind you... why 50 in one direction and 60 in the other? It's nearly identical at both ends of this short stretch of road. And why don't the buggers fix it...

  4. On the other hand ... you are within an urban area anyway, so any signs for 50 km/h are redundant, aren't they?

  5. It's a strange one, Bernd. The Ongar Road (to which this road links) has a 60 km/h limit... Its a very long, straight road with three junctions along its length. A favorite spot for Garda speed checks BTW. They hide in the dip up near the Ongar end.

  6. "I'll further submit that local yoofs might simply have "turned" the sign on the left (in the picture) as a joke. Happens all the time .."

    The joke being the NRA and Local authorities who still insist on placing signs on single round poles.


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