Irish three-day weather forecast

Monday, 18 July 2011

The Euro Crisis Song (courtesy of The Guardian)

This is great.  So many suggestions and leads are dropping into the Gombeen Nation mailbox that I hardly have to write blog posts any more!  At least not when I'm pushed for time or (whisper it) am feeling a bit lazy.   So......

What with cash-rich Irish investors paying over the odds - on occasion - at Allsops, and Olli Rehn giving the Government a pat on the back for being able to push through austerity measures without a whimper from the great Irish public, you would think we were on the way back to 2006.

Today's Indo is telling us that house prices "have reached the bottom" only for the fact that the banks are not lending.  What?   Does that not mean they haven't reached bottom then?  Or are they seriously suggesting that the banks should - even if they could - go back to their old habits of handing out money as though it was confetti?
Then we've been treated to a continuous drip-feed of stored job announcements from the Government.  And exports are up too, you know!   Enda and the boys and girls have really turned it around, it seems.  Or so they would have us believe.

But we can believe what we like - its how people see us, and our economy, from outside that really matters.

Don't mention Moodys.  Don't mention impending job losses in the financial sector.  Don't mention interest rate rises.    Don't mention the next budget.

And don't mention the Euro Crisis Song from UK newspaper, The Guardian.   Big thanks to Gavin for this one.

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  1. mr GM perhaps you may not have heard the latest breaking news on bloomberg cnn msn abc etc its all over the global media MR GILMORE has stated that his preffered solution to the eu crisis is that germany should backstop a euro bond for all the junky pigs such dazzling brilliance the world press is agog at this from a man of such eminence clearly a wayforward has been identified by a great oirishman as usual, what a facinating race of people we are hardly any wonder we are so facinated with ourselves CHEERIO -BH

  2. Yes, that's right BH. Making great play of the fact that we are "not Greece". It's nearly a tragi-comedy.

  3. It was because of France loading Germany with so much to repay for WW1 that we had WW2 ! Making Germany fund the EU frightens me.

  4. Oooo-eer! I suppose we'd better be careful not to piss them off then, Albert.


  5. To Mr Gombeen Man.

    Let the Germans know that Messerschmidts are
    being constructed in Coventry as they have stolen the contract to build British trains in Germany. The lads over here are are training to be pilots. They are very annoyed.

  6. I read in the Indo this am that as Ireland has been let of paying back some of its debt for another 15 years and had the interest on that debt reduced by ONE BILLIONS EUROS it does not now need to clobber its citizens quite so hard but give back a bit? Is that right? HOWEVER I then read in Wickiwotsit that Ireland is 11th in the list of 132 world countries with the highest ratio of debt against GDP. Does that mean it is now half way up the Premier League and could play against Birmingham next season. Great.

  7. Oooops. And the really scary thing is that Ireland's GDP is inflated by the activities of the multinationals...

    We're up there with Man U, rather than down with my team, Leeds. I blame Johnny Giles on that.

    Not much talk of the fiscal blows being softened here at the mo', Albert. Think the next budget will be just as bad as before the rate/term change.


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