Irish three-day weather forecast

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Patrick Nulty wins Dublin West by-election: capital now a Fianna Fail free zone.

Nice to see that Dublin is now - until the next election anyway - a Fianna Fail free zone.  

The party of chancers and cultural nationalists that gave us de Valera, his grandson O'Cuiv, Haughey, Lawlor, Ahern, Callely and numerous other shysters at national and local level is without a TD in the capital since... well, ever since its foundation,  I should imagine. 

That's good to see, so we should enjoy it while it lasts. 

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  1. Ray Burke, GM,the former Irish justice minister, needs to be added to the list, he who was known as "Rambo" and took over £100,000 in bribes during the worst years of Irish sleaze, jailed for six months for tax evasion, (and still getting full pension). He was the only one locked up bar Liam Lawlor for contempt. Sorry to see Fainna Fail still get such a massive vote.

  2. great news indeed mr gm, the ff mole running as independant almost pulled it off, it may be too early to rejoice at the demise of these cunning parasitic slimey slugs, thugs, and bogmen keep up the pressure, BTW iam sooooooh looking forward to 2013 for the home coming of the diaspora iam saving up nickles and dimes so ican be part of this glorious event LOL, the hotel and car rental gombeens will show no mercy i expect ,this goes to show how out of touch these govt ministers promoting this schitt event really are and if they only realised what the diaspora really think of them,perhaps giving us a vote would encourage us to visit, funny they have become stone mad about us all of a sudden i wonder what may have caused all this love, iam baffled ,any ideas gm CHEERIO BH

  3. How the pendulum swings. The problem is pendulums do what pendulums do,they always swing back to where they started.

  4. @ John. Ah, Rambo. How could I have forgotten that archtypical Soldier of Destiny? Thanks for jogging the aul memory.

    @ BH. Indeed, my friend. This is an event you, and every other son and daugther of Erin scattered throughout the globe, cannot afford to miss! I am thinking of vacating my humble Dublin 15 semi and renting it out for €2,000 per week to any returnees who which to take part in this great celebration of Oirishness. I feel it is my patriotic duty!

    Messing aside, isn't it an idea worthy of a Father Ted episode? See link The Gathering, 2013

    @ Dakota. Yep... that's the pity, pendulums are, by nature, all too predictable.

  5. ponyboys oh boys30 October 2011 at 15:59

    boys oh boys arsa ponyboy nach iontach an nuact sin ;=?

  6. "I am thinking of vacating my humble Dublin 15 semi and renting it out for €2,000 per week to any returnees who which to take part in this great celebration of Oirishness."

    hahaha boss!! :D

  7. Irish Labour party are not fiery socialists BUT I always voted for them as they are not FF/FG.( IE not corrupt/ not supporting rich corrupt 1% of the population, OK, some times they seem to struggle to know what to do to support the other 99% of us plebs....but still...I have to give them a chance)
    In Feb 2011 Labour became the Biggest party in the capital, this by election makes them bigger still- yes 3 cheers for the end of FF in the capital!!!


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