Irish three-day weather forecast

Friday, 1 June 2012

Garda speed camera van Navan Road

Spotted on the Navan Road, pic taken by your very own intrepid Gombeen Man.

For the record, the van is parked just after the Esso fuel station, on the Dublin-bound side of a perfectly good dual carriageway.   The speed limit is 60 km/h (try keeping to such a speed on this stretch - narrow rural boreens in Ireland have an 80 km/h limit) and the van is situated just a couple of metres before the 80 km/h sign.  

Draw your own conclusions

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  1. Hi GM, I know this spot quiet well and use it regularly enough - that said not for a few weeks and I've never seen a van there before, until now that is. Ta!

    You know it really is a sneaky spot, because as you point out its 60km just before that 80km sign and it's a bus lane but if you are head of the traffic from the previous set of lights you need to speed ahead to move out of what becomes a bus lane then move back in again if you turn off for Navan Road Parkway train station and don't they know it. This is revenue collecting - why don't the powers that be just be honest about?

  2. No GM, we don't live in a Banana Dictatorship. No GM the Gards don't engage in cynical revenue collection. No GM the Individuals responsible for inapropriate and insane speed limits in the "Republic" are not mad. I'm so happy my taxes are being put to such good use. No GM, the Irish people are not aware of this hypocrisy. No GM, the Gards are not derived from the same twisted Misanthropic population, eaten alive by their own materialistic avarice. No GM, the Meeja hasn't been bought off. No GM the Gards are not paid too much.

  3. @ Ella. That's right Ella... there is a pedestrian crossing further up but that wasn't being covered as the van was tucked in on the verge behind the garage. You can see how close the lowlives are to the 80km/h. Purely to catch people who are speeding up for the 80km/h zone.

    @ Dakota. And no, Dakota, this place isn't a rotten hellhole. And no, however is in the van is not a shameless snitch without the slightest shred of self-respect.

  4. "Shameless snitch without the slightest shred of self-respect." I'm still laughing...GM are we getting near to that elusive explanation of why so many Oirish and Irish choose tracksuits and pyjamas as their o'couture and get into a big new expensive car to collect the scratcher. Oh I'm so excited.

    "And no, Dakota, this place isn't a rotten hellhole." No, GM it's not...And Oirish culture isn't based on BOG muck, with the only favourable characteristic being the overly generous tax incentives for Transnational Corporations.

    Oh and GM, that Genius is not parcially blocking a speed sign either.

  5. "Oh and GM, that Genius is not parcially blocking a speed sign either."

    You're right, D. I hadn't noticed that. Says it all really.

  6. How sporting of the gards to park their speed camera van in full view of everyone. More sporting than those on British Motorways that do not use parked vans but cameras on the over bridges that can track you for a mile. Just when you thought you were ok to wind up the speed its Bingo. Up to £1,000 and six points. Or the pesklie, unmarked, 140 mph Q cars that drive in the slow lanes with the trucks, send a message down line to another unmarked car and bring down the flash harry's in their £150,000 speedsters doing 100 mph in the fast lane. Albert

  7. Hi Albert. I know that however bad it is here - and it's bad enough in my view - it isn't a patch on the persecution of the motorist (speed related - not in terms of taxation) that occurs in Britain. I think it's the speed/revenue camera captital of the world, if I'm not mistaken. And now the eejits here want to go the same way...


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