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Friday, 11 July 2014

Garth Brooks Croke Park gigs - gombeen Ireland in action

The whole Garth Pukes  – sorry, Brooks – thing is yet another example, as though one was needed, of gobshitery and Irishry.

Here’s a summary:

The  GAA (Grab All Association) has an agreement with local residents as to how many gigs can be held at Croke Park.    It deliberately flaunts this agreement and exceeds the agreed number.

The promoter of the Garth Brooks gigs, Jim Aikin, must know this but sells the tickets anyway -  as early as January if comments on The Journal are to be believed.

He only submits his application to hold the gigs in April, which means by the time due process would be excercised by Dublin City Council, we are nearly at the time when the concerts were advertised to take place.

After the process, which takes into consideration residents’ objections, the gigs are refused, as might have been predicted.

Next, objectors are issued with death threats and the TV is full of footage of a large Texan in a silly hat promising he will swim to Ireland to meet with our prime minister to ensure his five gigs go ahead.  (Swim, Garth… please). 

The bloke who runs those awful O’Carrolls Oirish tat shops is interviewed  on RTE news, against a backdrop of green stetsons with shamrocks and Garth Brooks in the shape of Ireland on the front, saying how awful this is for the Irish economy and Ireland’s reputation.  

(Never mind the fact that those awful shops have probably done more harm to our image than anything since the odd few thousand incarcerated “unmarried mothers”, “fallen women”, and countless children buggered by our priests, aided by our police force, successive governments, and "The Peeple"  in general.)

The whole thing is still rumbling on and you can’t turn on the telly, read a paper, listen to a radio or look at your smartphone without hearing Garth professing how much he loves Ireland and the Irish and how we should ignore our planning laws in order to facilitate a cowboy and a bunch of money-grubbing gombeens.

It’s business as usual, then.


  1. Garth who? I asked a good few people here in Germany: none of them knew Garth Brooks. Ok, when you mention "Achy Breaky Heart" some of them show a reaction. And from what I know he didn't even sing that song himself...
    Anyway: a bog joke what's going on in Ireland, and luckily enough it goes widely unnoiticed outside of Ireland ;-)

  2. But think about the children, Joe, and the economy, Joe ... and the massive mileage for the media.

  3. The next person to mention Garth Brooks and "Achy Breaky Heart" in one article should get shot ... just for the sake of some integrity.

  4. Jasus Pike... consider yourselves lucky. Was yer man responsible for Achey Breaky Heart (even if he didn't sing it)? Another reason for a short swim in the wide Atlantic.

    That's right Bernd. Think about the children, Joe. Haven't they been abused enough, for goodness sake?
    I wish those f**kers phoning up Joe Duffy every day would get jobs, for all our sakes!

  5. I don't remember spontaneous protests taking place when the bank guarantee was pushed through, and that cost the economy an awful lot more than EUR 50 million. Mad stuff. You couldn't make it up.

  6. ah joy and bliss - not the Brookshit but to find some life on the Gombeen Blog. Love it. Now off to find out who this muppet it and where I can get a pair a dem boots

  7. @ Bernd. Ha ha... hadn't seen your comment for moderation when I said the unspeakable.

    Surely II am now entitled to a last cigarette?

    Oh hang on, I don't smoke...

    @ Ella. Nothing, but nothing surprises me! Mad stuff.

    @ Ponyboy. Says it all that his fame in Europe seems to stop at Ireland. But I remember all that Irish C&W stuff when I was a kid... and who can ever forget Bit Tom and the Mainliners, if only for the name which they didn't, presumably, see the meaning of.

  8. Gas stuff. My favourite bit was when Ballybough residents who want the concerts to go ahead called on Barack Obama to intervene. You couldn't make this shit up. The 21st century equivalent to moving statues.

  9. ignoring or bypassing our planning laws, sure how much damage could this lead to.
    after all there is money to be made

  10. I have been living abroad working , Thank God for better countries. I have been listening to all the horseshit regarding these concerts and I thought it was a joke. I read elsewhere on a more serious note that 300k people have emigrated in three years. Alas we still have 400k on the dole. It seems if the whole country emigrated we would still have 400k on the dole. Its typical lies and waffle from the shower of gobshites running the country. There is probably a million people unemployed in this kip

  11. What a gobshite country. A dude from Texas gets more coverage and ire than the Bank Guarantee, unemployment,emigration the list is endless.

  12. Mad stuff, folks. It's what our little gombeen land is all about, it seems...

  13. It is not as though the man could sing.

  14. If it would have been Bruce Springsteen, Enda would have let him play 10 shows in a row! Enda is a huge fan of "The Boss". At least that's what he told me when we were shaking hands in Ennis a few years ago. He paid a visit and was crossing the lane where I was busking, followed by his entourage during an election campaign. He requested a Springsteen song which I frankly couldn't play. I gave him the Galway Girl and everybody sang along. This happened twice.

    I would like to take the opportunity and say hello to all the lads here. Especially to Pike and Bernd.

    Bernd, who's exploring the chinese way of life lately, the Taoism inclined to simplicity in all things and who strictly refuses being a part of a group, hence "howling with the pack". Well I'm surprised to find him here, not that I want to judge. But some things never change. You are who you are. Right? :D


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